Long Island long ago lolita Amy Fisher gets a new face: melting plastic mess

June 2024 · 2 minute read

You might remember Amy Fisher as the “Long Island lolita” who was just 17 in 1992 when she shot her then boyfriend’s wife, Mary Jo Buttafuoco, in the head, seriously injuring her. Fisher’s victim survived the shooting but suffered partial paralysis in her face and went deaf in one ear. Fisher spent seven years in prison and eventually got out, becoming a journalist for a while before she had three kids and then turned to stripping and porn to make a living. She somehow landed a spot on Celebrity Rehab, because they’ll take anyone except for Michaele Salahi, and she got a whole new face for it. Entertainment Tonight has an interview with her and Fisher has one of the worst cases of freeze face and trout pout I’ve ever seen. It’s hilarious! She can barely move her mouth and that’s the only thing that moves on her whole face.

In the interview, Fisher, 36, goes on about how the media portrays her inaccurately (as if they cover her at all lately) and how she’s really this sweet shy person who gets stepped on, but all I could focus on was her face. ET had the above before and after comparison. I could see maybe a nose job, her nose looks better afterwards, but the rest is just ridiculous. She has way too much filler in her lips and face and you can actually see some dimpling around her jaw area. It’s pretty gross looking. She looked ok after her first few rounds of work though, as seen in these “sexy” photos from her website, below. Now she’s just gone overboard. I think she needs rehab for her plastic surgery addiction.




Here’s how she looked in 2009:
