Katie Holmes felt like she was in Rosemarys Baby with Tom Cruise (LOL)

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Katie Holmes Tom Cruise

Over the weekend, the news broke that Katie Holmes was divorcing Tom Cruise to take Suri away from Scientology, and Kaiser covered this morning’s story about how Katie was living in fear that Tom would give Suri to the Sea Org. This goes along with our story from last year that Suri was on the brink of a demanding CO$ upbringing. I think it was perfectly reasonable for Katie to fear such a fate for Suri, but I think the tabloids might be exaggerating just a bit on whether Tom would truly go there. I mean, I can’t stand the guy either and think he’s a puppet for a very evil cult, but he wouldn’t do that to Suri. Or to himself.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Sea Org, it was founded as part of the CO$ by L. Ron Hubbard as a ship-based group of his own personal assistants. Mostly, these young kids were signed over by their CO$ parents for a billion years of servitude (yes, seriously), and they spent their teen years acting as messengers and cabana boy/girls to Hubbard. These days, the Sea Org is landbound and exists largely at Gold Base in Gilman Hot Springs, CA. Children (and adults) who belong to the Org miss out on both school and all but a few hours of sleep in order to help “clear the planet,” which sounds like a noble purpose for the brainwashed, but they’re really just performing manual labor. As I’ve stated before, I don’t think Tom would place Suri into such a physically rough life, not only because they’ve taken such care to spoil her already but also because Suri is a PR asset to Tom, so she must remain visible to the public for all of his movie-related photo ops. Or at least, that was his plan.

Anyway, there’s a new TomKat divorce story from Us Weekly that I do believe in full, which is that Katie felt like she was in the midst of Rosemary’s Baby, which is (of course) the classic Roman Polanski horror movie where Mia Farrow gives birth to a child for a Satanic Cult. LOL.

Mia Farrow

Oddly enough, Tom once told Oprah Winfrey (during their second interview, not the couch jumping one) that he was very aware that people compared his marriage to Rosemary’s Baby, and he was very hurt and upset by the rumors. Now here’s how Katie felt about it all according to Us Weekly:

Mia Farrow

Katie Holmes’ Hollywood fairy tale with Tom Cruise definitely did not have a happy ending.

When the 33-year-old actress filed for divorce from Cruise, 49, last Thursday — aggressively moving for sole legal custody of daughter Suri, 6 — it was the culmination of a year-long attempt to break free of a confining, Scientology-influenced marriage to Cruise, sources tell the new Us Weekly, out now.

“Every move she made and everything she did was controlled . . . She felt like she was in Rosemary’s Baby,” says one insider, referring to the classic 1968 horror film, in which an aspiring young actress (Mia Farrow) unwittingly bears a child for her husband’s Satanic cult.

“This is about protecting her daughter,” the insider explains to Us. “She wants to be in charge of how Suri is being raised and didn’t want her to have an exclusively Scientology education.”

The first source puts it more bluntly: “She felt she had to get out to save her daughter.”

[From Us Weekly]

Meanwhile, People has put out their cover issue early with a very pro-Katie (and anti-Scientology) stance. Surely, we’ll have some more excerpts coming soon, but for now, the cover tells us that her parents “wanted old Katie back,” and the magazine has let slip that Tom is “totally devastated and heartbroken.” Or at least, that’s how Tom’s camp has framed the issue.

Tom Cruise Katie Holmes

Just for the hell of it, here are some photos of the house in Hrafnabjorg, Iceland, where Tom Cruise is currently throwing his temper tantrums and throwing his lifts at the ceiling in epic displays of fury.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and People
