Kate Gosselin couldnt hack camping with Sarah Palin, refused to stay in tent

June 2024 · 4 minute read

We’ve heard plenty of stories about what a demanding insufferable diva Kate Gosselin is, and this latest one kind of takes the cake. Kate was in Alaska to go camping with former Governor Sarah Palin and Palin’s dad and brother as part of a pre-arranged plot for Kate’s reality show with her kids. The Palins had tents set up and picnic-type food for dinner like Lunchables. Nothing was good enough for Kate, who bitched and moaned the whole time until she was set up in a cabin with a bathroom and electricity. She didn’t even stay for the two days that were planned and left after just one night in the cabin.

Kate Gosselin’s much-hyped Alaskan camping trip with Sarah Palin turned into a nightmare when [Kate] suffered a diva-like meltdown – and stormed off despite Sarah’s please.

The reality show star stayed at the campsite for just two hours of the planned two-day adventure – and left amid an avalanche of insults, complaints and tears, the Enquirer learned exclusively…

On July 26, Kate plus her 8 and a full TLC film crew arrived at the Palin’s Wasilla home.

Kate decided right then she didn’t want to go camping because it was raining.

The plan was for the Palin family – including the ex-governor, her father and brother – to give Kate and her brood a taste of the Alaskan wilderness. They would fly on seaplanes to the remote site for activities, including fishing, panning for gold and the two-night campout.

Katie’s bodyguard Steve Neild persuaded her to get on the seaplane to fly to the campsite, but she was complaining the entire time – about the weather, the food and rustic atmosphere, revealed the insider.

At the campgrounds, the mega-mom’s mood turned even more sour when she saw the bathroom facilities.

“They handed her a bucket with a toilet seat on top,” said the insider.

“Kate said, ‘What the hell am I going to do with this!’

“Then she burst into tears and started moaning that she wanted to leave.

“When it was time to eat, Kate opened the cooler prepared for her and the children and three another fit when she saw prepackaged mini meals.

“There were tiny pieces of cheese and processed meats along with crackers and a few condiments.

“She said ‘My kids can’t eat this crap, they need a real meal! Then she started griping – in front of Sarah – that the ex-governor’s food was better than hers.

“Sarah’s meal was grilled hamburgers and hotdogs!”

Kate was also disgusted by the primitive conditions at the campgrounds and let everyone know it.

“I can’t have my kids stay in a dirty place like this,” she fumed, according to the close source.

Sarah was shocked but bit her lip, said the source. “She said ‘Come on, give it a little time, it’ll be fun, we’ll make it fun.'”

While the stunned TV crew apologized profusely to the Palins, a cabin with modern conveniences was arranged for Kate and the kids….

“Selfish Kate ditched the Palins, who spent the night in their tents,” said the close source. And the next morning, everyone flew back to the family’s Wasilla home, a day earlier than planned.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, August 16, 2010]

Can you imagine? The Palins took two whole days out of what must be very busy schedules to go on that trip with Kate, only to be met with absolutely no gratitude and her nasty complaints! Kids usually don’t notice if things are dirty, (at least mine doesn’t, but I know some kids are fussy like that) and are often game to go camping and be out in the woods as long as their parents don’t mind. Kate made a big deal out of roughing it just for a couple days and couldn’t even stay the allotted time in a cabin with a bathroom and electricity. I understand how she got skeeved out by the bucket toilet, though. I’m not an outdoors person, but I like to think I would have tried to make the best of it for the sake of my kids and some show that was taping me the entire time. This woman is too much. Would she still be such a piece of work if she never tasted fame?

Photos of Kate are from 3/4 and 3/17/10. Sarah Palin is shown on 5/4/10. Credit: Fame Pictures



