June Shannon on Anna being abused: shes lied about certain things too

June 2024 · 10 minute read

June Shannon of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo took her tour of lies to the Dr. Phil show. The straight-talking psychologist called her out while June just looked angry and defiant. Phil has said as much in an interview with TMZ, that June is full of it. We all know this, but it was morbidly fascinating to me to watch her do it yet again. On Dr. Phil, June continued to claim that she has only seen Mark McDaniel twice, the man who molested her oldest daughter, Anna. She claimed the first time was a coincidence and that the second time was just to give closure to her daughter Lauryn (Pumpkin), 14, who mistakenly believed McDaniel was her father. Photos show that June has been out with McDaniel multiple times, but she insisted that the photo of her in bed with McDaniel was Photoshopped. (As she also claimed on ET.) You could see right through her lies though. Here’s some of what she told Phil:

Dr. Phil: If you make a mistake and then [fans] feel like you blatantly lied to them about it they’re less forgiving. I think people want you to be completely honest about what mistakes you have made so they can say ‘wow, she gets it.’

On the picture of her in bed with McDaniel: it’s photoshopped but she flubs her rehearsed response
June: We have a thing showing that that picture right there has been Photoshopped by a company. There is an email I have that that picture, it proves it has been photoshopped. He did tell me that I needed to try to get it from TMZ but I tried to do that and TMZ refused to give it to me because it was sold to them and now it is property of theirs.

Dr. Phil asked her to show him which part of that photo has been photoshopped
If you look at me, I am totally laying in the bed. And if you see the full picture, he is fully dressed.

On the photo of her with McDaniel and Alana on the stairs
My kids don’t go anywhere without me, 24 hours a day. You know, that day I went, all my kids were there. All he said to [Alana] was ‘hey’ and that’s it. She pretty much doesn’t know anything about like the past or anything like that.

‘But you took her to meet a registered sex offender… he now has her in his crosshairs’
He doesn’t see her now, no.

‘If you had to that over again would you take Alana there?’
I probably wouldn’t even take Pumpkin there. Like I said before, I made a mistake, no parent is perfect.

Dr. Phil reads Anna’s statement about McDaniel being a child molester. The quote ends with Anna quoting June’s response that “mama was like ‘oh, he’s never done it to another girl.”
As far as I know, he’s never done it to another person. Me and Anna has talked about this. I’ve told her how sorry I am. Me and Anna has talked every day. We have talked, you know, several times.

Anna feels betrayed
I know that, that’s what she’s told me. The only way I can fix is constantly apologize for that that is to be there for her and try to move on from the situation. I know it’s hard to move on because she feels like she’s reliving it again but in some instances she’s lied about certain things too.

Why she didn’t believe Anna was being molested
For five years I was with this guy, I never suspected. I worked night shift [at McDonalds] he worked day shift [at a security job]. We were sitting there eating, they’re busting down the door like a drug bust… I don’t get any information… I’m like ‘what the hell is going on…’ He gets locked up. I even call the jail, the jail won’t tell me anything. I did not know for a couple months what he was actually locked up for.

‘Anna told you’ [what he was locked up for]
No, Anna did not tell me. My mother did not tell me what he was accused of. I did not know Anna’s side of the story until she moved in with me two and a half years ago.

‘[Anna] says when she told you, you did not believe her’
When my mother, not Anna. A person I’ve been with for 5 years. I don’t know that that person can do that. Now that Anna has told me two and a half years ago, I believe it. I wanted to talk to Anna to get her side of the story but I was never able to.

‘What is your understanding of what he did to her’
That he touched her in inappropriate places, made her watch like videos and stuff.

‘Why did TLC cancel your show?’
Honestly and this is truthful. We knew to get through October 19th was season 3A. The kids were acting like they wasn’t into it anymore because we’ve been doing it two and a half years. We went on break… that’s why they has called and says ‘look we’re going to cancel the show.’ I have nothing bad to say about TLC, they have been good to me. The rumor is that I was not going to get paid for this show, I did get paid for whatever was owed to me. My kids got paid to their trust funds. They’re still taking care of the girls with tutoring… which I’m very grateful for… After two and a half years, you could tell the girls were starting to get wore out and I mentioned that to the production company.

I think this has something to do with it, but I don’t think it was the full decision of why.

‘Do you think they cancelled this show because of your relationship with a registered sex offender?’
I think that had to do a part of it but I don’t think that was the full extent of why the show got cancelled.

Dr. Phil brings up the photo in bed again. ‘You know whether you were in that bed or not’
No I wasn’t. If I was there, I’d say ‘yeah, I was.’ There is a picture that is similar to me laying in the bed with Sugar Bear. Like I said, Alana takes like pictures all the times on her iPad and stuff like that. There is a picture that I’ve even shown Sugar Bear that is similar on her iPad, yeah…

On if the state will take away her kids
I can’t talk about that issue… I did have to sign something with them saying that I would not have Alana or Pumpkin around Mr. McDaniel, which I did explain to her is not going to happen again. We’re not together. I don’t want to be with him. Ever since this has gone down Sugar has been back in the home to be supportive.

On if Sugar Bear cheated on her
He has admitted to cheating to other girls to text messages to talking to the girls… and that was a big reason why we broke up back in September… I didn’t say that we was going to get back together, I just know that he wants to try to get his family back together… I love Sugar Bear to the extent that he’s the father of Alana. As far as being in love with him, with all the cheating that he’s done, he knows that I have fell out of love.

‘Have you cheated on him?’
No, I don’t do that.

‘Was it a betrayal for you to talk to Mark?’
No. We was not together when that transpired no.

‘As a mother, do you consider it your job to protect your children?’
My kids are number 1 in my life.

‘Did you fail to protect Anna?’
I do in a way feel like I failed to project Anna, but I didn’t know. She admitted that too. I was at work when this happened. I knew nothing.

‘Can you project Pumpkin now?’
Yeah, I can protect Pumpkin, I can protect Alana I can protect Jessica even though she’s 18.

Dr. Phil calls her out on her four relationships with convicts
I don’t have a perfect past either.

‘You don’t think Mark just started [abusing] after he met you?’
I wasn’t with him before I can’t tell you that. Common sense tells me a molester can do it again but then I’ve heard child molestators [sic] can be what they call rehabilitated.

What she will do for money now
There’s money put back that I was smart and I put back for myself that I could live on for a while. The girls’ futures are secure.

‘Anna has alleged that you have rifled her 30,000 trust fund’
I gave her $475 [a month] for a cell phone bill…. because she cannot stop buying games, buying music. Plus I was giving her $400 a month. I didn’t have to give her that until she was 21. Plus I have a cashier’s check that I have sent her which was the rest of the money in her account.

What was the last job she had?
I worked at the Flash Food, it’s like the maintenance store in [inaudible]

Claims she’s legally blind
Also I was on disability because I’m legally blind. I’m totally blind in this eye and legally blind in this eye. [points to eyes]

Denies she tried to commit suicide
The lies now that I try to commit suicide by taking over the counter pills was a lie. I have never had a suicidal bone in my body. I would never take pain pills.

Asked her if she was with Mark McDaniel or had any relationship with him.
No, no, no.

[From The Dr. Phil show, aired 11-17-14]

Notice that when Phil asked June to point out the part of the image of her in bed with McDaniel that was Photoshopped she only claimed that McDaniel was clothed, she didn’t say her head was pasted on or anything. She only elaborated on that lie later.

After June’s interview, they aired a segment with Sugar Bear and Lauryn/Pumpkin. Sugar Bear admitted to flirting with women on Facebook, and said that he’s somewhat sad the show is ending for his daughters’ sake. Pumpkin had some negative things to say about Anna. She said she doesn’t have a relationship with Anna and explained that “my thing is, if we’re supposed to be your family than why would you go about what someone else says. You would just listen to them and not listen to what your mama has to say.” She said that McDaniel raised her from when she was 3 months old to when she was 4 and that he gave her the nickname Pumpkin. Lauryn claimed that she spent only an hour with McDaniel in their latest and only meeting after he got out of prison. She “wanted to actually know for sure if he did what he did.” Pumpkin said she didn’t ask McDaniel if he committed the crime against her sister because “I feel like that’s kinda, that’s not something you ask somebody.” She said she felt better after the meeting, which she requested, but that “if I knew it was going to blow up as big as it has, I wouldn’t have asked.”

Uncle Poodle, June’s brother-in-law, has an interview with Dr. Phil that will air today. He basically says that June is lying and that she’s been sleeping with McDaniel. In the preview clip he said that he’s seen McDaniel in bed with both Alana (Honey Boo Boo) and June.

I know this has been long and I want to wrap it up, but I just want to revisit what Lauryn said about Anna. She said that Anna listened to “what somebody else says… and not listen to what your mama has to say.” I interpret that as Lauryn stating that she doesn’t believe Anna was really molested, that she believes their grandmother convinced Anna she was abused. Of course that’s subjective, but doesn’t it sound like that’s what Lauryn said? June seems to really hate Anna for reporting McDaniel for abusing her. Anna was just eight years old at the time and June still seems to blame her for his incarceration. That is some twisted reasoning to say the least.



