Julianna Margulies: I never think of myself as a famous person

June 2024 · 4 minute read


These days, I’m totally over Julianna Margulies. Whatever went down between Julianna and Archie Panjabi – and something really did go down – left a bad taste in my mouth. My gut says that the long-standing rumors were true, that Julianna acted like a princess/diva and didn’t want Archie Panjabi’s character to overshadow special snowflake Alicia Florrick on The Good Wife. My gut says that Julianna was instrumental in the marginalization of one of the best characters on TV in a decade (not to mention the marginalization of one of the best TV actresses, Archie Panjabi).

So… yeah. I’m over Julianna. Which means I rolled my eyes a few times during her interview with The Edit. You would think that with this kind of online-magazine interview (with a quick turnaround), JM would have been asked about the recent controversies about Archie Panjabi. She was not. Which makes me wonder if JM’s precondition for this interview was “no questions about Archie.” Which makes me wonder why JM doesn’t want to talk about it. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

People love her character: “Women love Alicia. She was an underdog. She was in a sink-or-swim situation, and she swam. People love a flawed character they can relate to. Oh, she’s messed up! I tell the writers, ‘Seriously, she needs to be in therapy. She hasn’t gotten laid for a year and a half, the situation at home with her husband is so complicated, her children are leaving the nest, she has her own business and she’s completely overwhelmed.’ And the writers are always like, ‘Well, she’ll work it out!’ To be honest, when would she have time to see a shrink anyway?”

She doesn’t do Twitter: “I’m [not going to] ask 20 million people to believe my character, then go to a mall and tweet, ‘Hey, it’s me! I’m buying shoes!’ However, if I was just doing my philanthropic work, I would definitely tweet; it’s a great tool to open people’s eyes.”

Equal rights: “There is a generation coming up that understands equal rights. People fight for what they believe in – equal pay, gay rights, all of these things that should have happened years ago. [But] we have a long way to go.”

Getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: “As for the Hollywood Star… It still feels surreal. I always thought of it as something other people got; never in a million years did I think I would get one. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to do what I love and get paid for it. The rest is a bit overwhelming! Flattering, but overwhelming.”

Whether she has political ambitions: “I would never and could never be a politician. But God, it’s fun to play one. I have to say things that I personally disagree with, but you have to look at things from two sides. I’ll get emotional at the snap of a finger, but my husband will read the other argument. He’s very graceful at having an opinion, rather than having a gut reaction.”

Humility: “I never think of myself as a famous person. I think of myself as a working actor who happens to be in a show that everyone watches.”

Other people’s opinions: “I can’t control other people’s opinions of me, all I can control is my reaction to it. Someone in Idaho may hate me, but I don’t have to know about it!”

Online comments: “I don’t read any of it – ‘Did I wear the right dress, did I not?’ – because it’s not going to help me as a human. It will only make me feel bad…or good. And if I believe the good, do I believe the bad?”

Women want to work in TV: “Women are realizing that the most challenging and interesting things written for them are now on TV. Until five years ago, TV catered to male leads. I wouldn’t say it’s equal, but it’s getting there.”

[From The Edit]

Do people really love Alicia? I’ve watched all of the episodes through Season 5, and some of the Season 6 episodes, and I can’t really say I love Alicia. I loved Kalinda. I love Diane and I loved Will. I sometimes love Eli (more in the earlier episodes). Sometimes, I’ll have a moment where I really like Alicia, but for the most part, I’m more interested in the supporting characters, most of whom are infinitely more compelling than Alicia. Alicia is inconsistent and flawed, which makes her more interesting than most characters on TV, but after six seasons… I think you’d be hard pressed to find people who really “love” her.


Photos courtesy of Hunter & Gatti/The Edit.
