Janice Dickinson calls Tyra Banks fat

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Boy the weight criticisms are really getting out of control in Hollywood lately. Ever since pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt emerged where she had the nerve to look less-than-skeletal, everyone has been jumping on the bandwagon and trying to get their say in. Though it seems like most celebs have the common sense to only say positive things, clearly some people are thinking otherwise, or this wouldn’t be an issue and we wouldn’t still be hearing about it. Cindy Crawford got some critiques from the Daily Mail for her less-that-airbrushed (ie totally normal) stomach the other day, and now Janice Dickinson is calling Tyra Banks fat.

Tyra weathered her own fat storm a few months ago, when she was photographed looking a little “thick” during a beach vacation. I still don’t think she looked fat, per se, and a lot can be attributed to poor camera angles, harsh light, and a bad choice for a swimsuit. Tyra fought back by wearing the offending bathing suit on her show, showing she looked fine, normal, and healthy. She also compared how she looks now to how she looked as a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model years ago, and was photographed in the same bathing suit, showing that she’d changed a little, but not all that drastically. In all fairness, she was clearly retouched to within an inch of her life in the recent photo she did. She almost looked drawn. I’m not criticizing her body and I whole-heartedly appreciate her promoting healthy, realistic body images. But if that’s what she was really trying to do, she should have been secure enough to release the new photos with a normal amount of airbrushing. Showing us a cartoon and asking us to believe that’s how you really look is insulting, and it kills your argument.

Janice Dickinson – who I believe has inherited the Queen of Mean title from the recently deceased Leona Helmsley – was on the Today show yesterday to promote her reality show “The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency.” At one point, Al Roker asked her how she felt about the Jennifer Love Hewitt controversy. Dickinson was actually fairly kind.

They continued the streak today by inviting Janice Dickinson, the self-described first supermodel, and discussed whether a size 2 is fat. Janice defended Hewitt, called her “healthy” and “not emaciated.” She continued, “You want to see someone who’s fat, I’m sorry, Tyra, Tyra Banks is fat.” Banks used to be Dickinson’s boss in the early seasons of “America’s Next Top Model” and has herself been the subject of unflattering bathing suit photos.

After she was confronted by Al Roker about the remark, she sort of backed off, but it’s unclear if she was being genuine.

[From the Huffington Post]

It seemed like Dickinson just said that because she knew she’d be in a world of hurt if she didn’t. Though frankly she’s getting a ton of negative press for saying it at all. Even in the worst photo published, I think it’s unfair to call Tyra Banks fat. Our perception of how celebrities are supposed to look gets altered over time, and eventually we see a stick as normal. I imagine Tyra Banks looks perfectly healthy in real life. Last week I wrote an article about Carrie Underwood and her “healthy diet” tips. I noted that she had lost a lot of weight, but seemed okay as long as she didn’t lose anymore. Several commenters pointed out that she looks normal in pictures and normal for Hollywood, but that she would probably look alarmingly skinny in real life. And looking closer, I definitely agree. Once in a while you’ll see a photograph of a celebrity next to a regular person, and it’s shocking how tiny they are. It’s just that our points of reference get messed up, and you become accustomed to seeing a certain thing.

I appreciate Janice’s decent take on Jennifer Love Hewitt, but I hope she’ll come out and officially correct her statement regarding Tyra Banks. It’s for her own good; I would not want Tyra on my bad side.

Dickinson: ‘Hewitt is a healthy girl’
Dickinson: ‘Hewitt is a healthy girl’

Note by Celebitchy: Someone is jealous of a former supermodel with a successful talkshow when they have to resort to reality shows and cheap tactics like this to get attention. Janice Dickinson is shown on 10/02/07 at the Fox Reality show awards. Tyra Banks is shown looking great at Fashion Week on 9/10/07 and at the CW Network Upfronts on 5/17/07, thanks to PRPhotos.
