ITW: Jessica Simpson looks huge, almost unrecognizable, is at risk for gest. diabetes

June 2024 · 4 minute read

The tabs are making fun of Jessica Simpson’s pregnancy weight gain, but they’re doing it in that faux-concern “she could have medical problems” way, which actually sort-of works when we’re talking about a pregnant lady. Jessica kind of brought this on herself by so openly discussing the crap she eats while she’s pregnant. She said last month that she regularly indulges in “Kraft Mac n’ Cheese, Pop Tarts, Cap’n Crunch. Everything filled with sugar.” She also admitted to putting butter on toasted Pop Tarts. Jessica isn’t due until April, but she looks like she’s due any minute. In Touch points out that she’s at potential risk for gestational diabetes.

On a recent outing in Beverly Hills, onlookers were shocked to see Jessica Simpson’s bloated pre-baby body. “She looks really huge, almost unrecognizable,” an onlooker tells In Touch…

According to a source, some doctors are equally alarmed at her dramatic weight gain. So much so that they’ve issued a stern warning: Eating too much junk food or gaining too much weight while pregnant increases the chances of gestational diabetes, hypertension and having a baby too big to deliver naturally!

How did things get so out of control? “Jessica’s the happiest she’s been in ages, and she loves the fact that no one stares at her when she’s downign pizza or eating a tub of ice cream,” the source tells In Touch…

That’s a recipe for disaster, says nutritionist and author… Jackie Keller. “Why would you deliberately sabotage your body with unhealthy, fatty foods? You’re not supposed to eat twice as much – you just need 300 extra calories a day,” Keller tells In Touch.

LA ob-gyn Layne Kumetz, M.D., concurs.”The recommended gain for a woman at a healthy weight is 25 pounds,” Kumetz tells In Touch. Jessica has gained 40 – and counting.

[From In Touch, print edition, January 27, 2012]

In Touch isn’t saying anything that’s new. One of the suggested Google searches for Jessica Simpson is “Jessica Simpson Pregnancy Weight Gain.” Poor Jess. I think she looks cute.

I’ll be honest, I gained over 50 pounds during my first/only pregnancy. (I got tested for gestational diabetes and thankfully I didn’t have it.) There are photos of me right before I gave birth and I’m still astonished to see how huge I looked. While pregnant I tried to eat healthy whole foods and didn’t even think I was eating that much more than I normally do. I must have eaten a lot more to get to that point. After my son was born I lost most of the weight pretty quickly. Those last 15 pounds were a bitch, though. So I guess I’m saying that Jessica can lose it too.

I don’t think it’s fair to pick on a pregnant lady for gaining weight and I would have been mortified if people did it to me. Jessica kind of invites it by admitting the junk she’s eating though. That’s not nourishing to her baby or her. This has me thinking – how much is this woman going to overshare after she gives birth? We’ve already heard all about her bodily functions and poor hygiene. Her stories are going to be epic after she has a baby.

In related news Star Magazine has a pretty funny story about how Jessica tried to cut in line at a popular Mexican restaurant and was told to wait at the back of the line like everyone else. Even her huge baby bump couldn’t get her a free pass at that place. She gave up and ended up going to Taco Bell instead. Taco Bell is my favorite fast food, and you know what you’re getting there. It’s not like you’re going to order a fajita and get a grease and cheese slathered mess like at some (bad) Mexican places. I doubt Jessica opted for the “fresco” line at TB though. Those are my favorite and most fresco tacos are only 150 calories! Jessica will be counting those soon enough.

These photos are of Jessica and her fiance, Eric Johnson, out in Santa Barbara with his parents on 1-28-12. They look so happy! Credit: DMac/FF3/FameFlynet Pictures
