June 2024 · 7 minute read

Dance and electronic music dominate the Summer months, there is no doubt about that, and for many that means taking things a little harder and heavier. In a truly unique fashion, Dutch hardstyle artist Radical Redemption does exactly this in breaking the mold and delivering a no-holds-barred, high-octane and raw sound. From launching his all-new label Redemption Records with his latest single ‘Brutal X’, over to constructing never-before-seen live show concepts, we caught up with the revolutionary artist to discuss these projects and much more…

Thanks for speaking with us Radical Redemption! Please tell us first-off about your new single ‘Brutal X’, what inspired this release?

No worries, thanks for having me! Brutal X is a special one. All the 9 previous Brutals were the inspiration for number X. Everything I’ve learned over the years, is in this tune. From big melodies, distorted sounds, experimental kicks, huge drums and the well known female Brutal voice. To top it off, the vocals are provided by no other than Nolz. Besides that, I’ve also put some ‘easter eggs’ from all the previous Brutals in Brutal X. I am really proud of this one and I have to say, it is a real dance floor killer!

And this is the 10th instalment in this series of “Brutal…” tracks, correct? What ties the series together and why did you come up with this concept, instead of releasing singles as stand-alone tracks individually?

Yes, is it number ten already. Never thought it would evolve into what it is today. Brutal started as a concept to make more ‘experimental’ music. So I would experiment with sounds, vocals, kicks, arrangement, basically everything. Nowadays I don’t consciously ‘start’ on a Brutal track. As I am working in the studio, I just feel, this is something that could be the next Brutal. So the time between releasing a Brutal is sometimes a year, sometimes 2 years. I just wait for the right moment.

And it is the first release on your brand new label Redemption Records! Why did you feel the need to create your own label at this time, and will this just be for your own solo releases, or do you expect to invite other artists onto the label into the future?

It is, the first release on my own label ‘Redemption Records’. I have been experimenting for years now. Not only making hard dance music, but also orchestra scores, music for commercials, band music. What I want with Redemption Records is to create a platform where music, not genre, is leading. Where we can help producers, artists, composers create, develop their style.

When I started Redemption Records, the most important thing was to find the right people. People that understand your vision, that know which way to go. People who know the music industry as a whole, and not just the hard dance industry.

As of last week, the label is ‘up and running’, but I want to test drive it for a couple of Radical Redemption releases first. Lets be sure everything works as it is supposed to. After that, we as Redemption Records are going to look for producers, musicians, composers and artists that fit the vision of the label!

You recently debuted your Radical Redemption & his Orchestra of Eternity live concept – what makes this different to a standard Radical Redemption set and will you be heading out on the road again with this show?

Well, when I do a Radical Redemption DJ-set, it is me playing my tracks. A really high level of energy. Usually I play club mixes of my own tracks. People are in a certain mood, they don’t want a lot of breaks, just dance, dance, dance!

Radical Redemption & his Orchestra of Eternity is something completely different. Something the world hasn’t seen before. It is an experience, something you really need to witness. You’ll be in this beautiful world, where the majestic power of the orchestra will meet the unlimited energy of hard dance music. I will play my original tracks, but also my takes on famous movie pieces such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars & Harry Potter. Besides that, you’ll also hear classic tunes from Mozart & Beethoven. To see 25 musicians on stage, bringing the music to live, accompanied by a lot of special FX and fireworks, it just gives you goosebumps. The notes they play will echo through eternity and create a memory that will last for a lifetime.

We recently just did the first show, closing the mainstage of Freshtival. It was amazing, I saw people crying, holding each other, looking at the stage with their mouths wide open. Incredible to witness. But, this was just the beginning. We are now planning to bring this show all over the world, which is really, really exciting!

You also launched #TheBusOfBrutality just before the pandemic happened, will we see a comeback of the now famed transport for a return in the future?

I have to say, The Bus of Brutality was one of the sickest tour experiences I’ve had in my career. To be on the road with the whole crew was legendary. Will we see a comeback? We are looking into it, I would really, really like to do that again!

You’ve played events like Rebirth and Supremacy, as well as your own solo headline shows to huge acclaim all around the world. Do you prefer playing festivals or club sets with your sound and can you tell us why?

Every stage, every venue, every festival, it has its own ‘magic’. Let’s start by saying, nothing can beat your own event. The road towards it, the event itself, the release of all that energy, the response and appreciation from the crowd, that is something unique. Something I can’t wait to be doing again. We are working on my new solo-event as we speak.

When it comes to festivals or clubs, I think I can fit everywhere to be honest. Also, after 4/5 months of festivals, you really want to play at clubs again. After 4/5 months of clubs, you are longing for the festival season, haha. That’s just how it works, balance!

When you first started producing, what was it that drew you to hardstyle?

I started to listen to hardcore in 2004/2005 I think, so I wasn’t really drawn to hardstyle at first, but to the rougher/faster hardcore sound. Obviously it all started with Angerfist. Me and my friends were beyond hyped when we found out Angerfist originated from the same village we were from, Denekamp. Slowly my interest in hardstyle grew more and more, until in 2008 it took a certain turn. More and more breaks, vocalist / singers, I missed the HARD in hardstyle. That’s when I decided to produce hard dance music myself, so I could make it the way I wanted it to be. Turned out to be a great decision, hahah.

What music do you listen to when at home or relaxing on the road, what would surprise us? A guilty pleasure if you will!

I have to say I almost only listen to orchestra/movie score music, so Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Volker Bertelmann (Hauschka), Alan Menken, just to name a few. But when I am outside, sitting by the fire with friends, there’s nothing better than listening to Johnny Cash live from Folsom Prison. Obviously accompanied by a perfect medium steak straight from the bbq!

Finally, what is next for Radical Redemption? Where can we catch you live this Summer?

What is next for Radical Redemption? Well I am in the final stage of producing/recording/writing my new album. Also we are preparing the new Radical Redemption solo event. We are planning new recordings with the orchestra at the moment. So, it is a pretty busy agenda, but I really like it. The most important – NEXT THING – for me is to launch my Orchestra of Eternity show worldwide, that’s my main focus right now, besides finishing the album.

This Summer you can catch me at Dancevalley, Dreambeach, Airbeat One, Dreamfields, just to name a few. So hopefully we will see each other on the dancefloor!
