Henry Cavill also said some words to MOTW about #OscarsSoWhite & racism

June 2024 · 3 minute read

cavill MOTW

On Friday, I covered the early excerpts from Henry Cavill’s Man of the World cover profile. The quotes got widespread coverage, mostly because most actors/movie stars do not openly admit that they’re not JUST doing movies for the art, that there is a financial aspect to it and traveling first class is amazing. So, I got a chance to read the full interview over the weekend, and I thought there were some additional quotes that deserved another post. I do have one correction – when Cavill was making a reference to how he didn’t get a chance to go to college and have college experiences, it was not in reference to how he’s dating a 19-year-old university freshman. He was just talking generally about having missed out on the college experience, and there is no reference to Tara in the piece. You can read the full interview here. Some additional highlights:

On the poor box office of The Man From UNCLE: “It didn’t do badly, but it should have done better, because everyone I’ve spoken to loved it. Maybe it should have been marketed slightly differently so people went in feeling that it was something else. I snuck into the Odeon to see it on High Street Kensington, and all the trailers beforehand were for these explosive action movies. They were being set up and prepped for a sort of Mission: Impossible-type film, and it’s not — it’s a tongue-in-cheek spy thriller with some genuine comedy to it.”

His favorite movie: “It’s tough to say now, but Braveheart. It’s got everything you need. It’s got war. It’s got horses. It’s got romance. It’s got blood and guts, and it’s set in a time which is, you know, great to look back on. It’s just wonderfully directed and performed. It’s a staple.”

On #OscarsSoWhite: “It’s the issue right now as far as the entertainment industry is concerned. I honestly believe that every year there are people passed over who should have been nominated, and that there are people who shouldn’t have been nominated who are. And I don’t think anything has ever changed in that respect. It’s subjective. I watch movies with my girlfriend all the time, and I will sit there and say, ‘That was sh-t!’ and she’ll go, ‘Really? I enjoyed it!’ But, that said, this year in particular, there seems to be a serious lack of black guys and girls being nominated. Maybe the solution is to have more diversity in the members. But does that mean we are saying that to have more black academy members would result in more black nominations? Is that not racist itself?”

[From MOTW via Henry Cavill News]

Re: The Man From UNCLE… I have an unpopular opinion, but I really did enjoy it. Cavill and Elizabeth Debecki gave the strongest performances, the costumes were fantastic and it was easily Guy Ritchie’s prettiest film (as in, the shots and locales were gorgeous). I thought Armie Hammer did a sh-t job though and Hugh Grant sort of phoned it in.

Re: #OscarsSoWhite… ugh. At this point, I kind of think British actors should refrain from commenting about internal racial politics in America, because those Brits end up sounding kind of daft. The “black guys and girls” comment came across as patronizing and the “logic” that Cavill uses for “is that not racist itself?” sounds positively Charlotte Rampling-esque.


Photos courtesy of WENN, cover courtesy of Man of the World.
