Fresh Princes Carlton is dating a porn star

June 2024 · 3 minute read


It seems the Fresh Prince’s Alfonso Ribeiro has led quite the un-Carlton Banks-like lifestyle since leaving Will Smith’s side 11 years ago. Sure he did a good little spin on “Dancing with the Stars,” a nice, family-oriented wholesome show. But it turns out Carlton (I can’t call him Alfonso so we’re sticking with Carlton) is quite the club-hopping, hoochie-dating former c-list star. (I don’t have an actual breakdown of how the list works, so I averaged that Carlton was somewhere between a b and d list star, and definitely isn’t on any list right now, so he’s a former c-list star). Carlton is often videotaped and featured on TMZ’s website going in and out of clubs, most notably L.A. hot spots Hyde and Les Deux. Which also means that Hyde and Les Deux are a lot less selective than we thought. Either that or they’re letting Carlton in on the novelty factor. Or forcing him to do “The Carlton” – that awesome snapping dance he’d do to Tom Jones’ “It’s Not Unusual.”

Apparently his snappy dance moves have also snagged him quite the babe. Not willing to settle for a regular old aspiring model or a former Playboy playmate, Carlton has hooked up with a porn star. You know Uncle Phil would not be cool with that, and would probably threaten to cut him off from the inheritance.

Shocker! Former “Fresh Prince” dancing dweeb Alfonso Ribeiro is hanging out with the classiest of ladies, Ashlynn Brooke. Never heard of her? You might if you select your DVDs from the Adult section. She’s a porn star! But she’s soooo much more. This is what she says about herself on her official website:

“Hey y’all! Welcome to my official Web site! My name is Ashlynn Brooke and I’m 22 years old. I’m a very sensual and sexual girl, and I love sharing my pleasure with everyone. Come join me where I will show you all of my wild adventures, naughty fantasies and sexual escapades. xo, Ashlynn”

Lucky for Ribeiro, “everyone” includes him.


This is one of the super-creepier relationships I’ve seen in a while. Ashlynn looks like she’s 15. And apparently talks (or at least types) like a really bad Craigslist ad. I know you want to further your career, but is Carlton really the way to go about that? Wouldn’t it be better to just bang some porn-industry bigwig? Twenty bucks says he does the Carlton dance after sex. Or maybe to get sex. Either way, I’m disgusted.

Picture note by Jaybird: Header of Ashlynn Brooke at the Freaky Friday Porn Party at Sugar in Hollywood on June 22nd. You can see more recent (and naked) photos of her on her website, but it’s NSFW. Images thanks to WENN. Here’s Alfonso Ribeiro on the red carpet at Jet Nightclub in Vegas on May 11th. Images thanks to PR Photos.

